Brand My Blog

Social media, websites, email blasts; digital marketing is everywhere! By now, you have already incorporated digital marketing into your marketing campaigns but something is missing. A blog!

Blogging is more than just a few words on your screen. This part of digital marketing is valuable to your business. It allows you to be the subject matter expert in your industry. With the advances in digital marketing, blogging has become more than just writing. It’s evolved into video, podcasting, and photography! If you are not much of a writer, why not create a video or start a podcast? Whatever the format may be, blogging shows your passion. Motivated yet? Are you ready to make the move? Great! But there are some key things to think about before making the jump.

First matter to consider is what are your business objectives for your blog? Think about what you’re trying to accomplish. Do you want to gain more revenue or do you just want to be known as the subject matter expert in your industry? Whatever the main goal is, keep it in mind as you build your blog. Also, keep your audience in mind. It is all about the customer experience.

Now, lets get down to business.

social media research

#1. Research. This is very important to do before building your content. Research what’s out there and who else is in your industry. Take a look at what they are blogging about and how you can stand out. Even research marketing techniques on best days to post. There is science to everything in marketing!

#2. Create a PLAN. Now that you’ve researched, you are ready to go, right? Well, don’t get too excited. Those who plan are those who will find success. Just like you plan else in your business (or at least you should), you must create a blog plan. This plan will align with your marketing goals making for a successful tactic.

Your plan must consist of the following:

  • Content Planning- What do you want to blog about? Will this be copy, video, pictures or all three? What topics do you want to discuss? And most importantly, what do you want your readers and/or viewers to get out of the information? This is key to a successful blog.
  • Calendar planning- Building your calendar will allow you to have a timeline. This gives you an opportunity to align incentives and promotions that will gain your prospects attention and help your current clients. In this stage, it is a good time to think about how often you want to post new content.

#3. Build a Content Library. Who has time to create tons of content? You sure don’t because you have a job to do! By building your content library, you will have plenty to post later. You can pre record videos or podcasts and write during your down time. Even take a few awesome pictures. Just start your content library and continue to build it. This way you can pull, pretty much, anything you want at any time! Also, think about what type of content you want to post. Most successful blogs contain “freebies” or free content that will help their followers.

social media content library

#4. Time to Add a Blog to Your Website. Now that you’ve taken time researching, planning and creating content, it is time to add the blog page to your website. If you have a web designer, discuss your plans and share your content with them. The designer will incorporate your ideas when creating the blog page. Even if you are your own web designer, it will be simple to add a page. Here are a couple of things to remember:

  1. Name the blog page something creative. The title of your blog is everything. Make it fun and simple for your audience to understand.
  2. Make sure it is viewable on your site. Blog placement is vital! You want your audience to find it.

#5. Now, get social! You’ve worked hard on your blog. You’ve put endless hours in making sure it is perfect but what good is it if no one can find it? Share on your social media pages. Even add an offer or promo code so your fans get something out of it, aside from your advice of course.

#6. Track Results. How do you know your blog is hitting all the objectives you’ve set unless you track the success? Make sure you have set up analytical trackers. One place to set-up and track all digital marketing efforts is Google Analytics. Remember, to see results on anything digital, give it about three to six months. This will give you a good idea of which posts works and which ones do not.

Whew! Seems like a lot of work, doesn’t it? It’s not when you’re communicating about your passion! By following these key steps, your blog will reach new heights. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!


Amanda Peralta – Sloan is a self proclaimed tech geek and JSW Media’s resident marketing specialist. 

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