Using Red Shoes to Fashionably Fight HIV/AIDS

Using Red Shoes to Fashionably Fight HIV/AIDS

The Red Pump Project Kicks Off Fifth Annual Social Media Campaign in Support of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Chicago, IL (January 3, 2013) – Every 47 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV/AIDS in the United States. This is just one of many statistics which illustrate the growing impact of HIV/AIDS among women. It is also the reason why The Red Pump Project, a national HIV/AIDS awareness organization, was inspired to   launch its fifth annual Rock the Red Pump® campaign on January 18, 2013.  The campaign encourages bloggers to use their platforms to commemorate National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). Starting January 18, 2013, the fifth annual campaign will run through March 10, encouraging women to also wear red shoes for the cause.

The Rock the Red Pump® campaign launched March 2009 as a way to recognize NWGHAAD, an observance day that occurs annually on March 10th. The premise of the campaign is simple; bloggers are asked to place a badge on their site and wear a pair of red shoes as a way to demonstrate support for women and girls who are affected by HIV/AIDS.

Since the inaugural Rock the Red Pump® campaign, more than 2,000 blogs have participated. What began as a simple idea has grown into a full-fledged campaign that consistently attracts national attention, unites women of all backgrounds and ignites much-needed conversations about the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

“Our goal is to normalize conversation about HIV/AIDS, and we choose to use red shoes to do it because they immediately grab your attention,” says Luvvie Ajayi, co-founder of The Red Pump Project. “While we have people’s attention, let’s talk about AIDS!” 

The Red Pump Project’s goal is to get at least 2,500 blogs to participate in the fifth annual Rock the Red Pump® campaign. Bloggers will be able to select one of five custom badges to display on their websites, and women everywhere will be encouraged to upload pictures wearing their favorite red shoes on the Red Pump Facebook page (

 “Red Pump believes that if one woman is infected with HIV/AIDS then we are all affected. Over the past four years, we’ve been honored to watch women embrace this campaign as a show of sisterhood in the fight against this disease,” says Karyn Watkins, co-founder of The Red Pump Project.

Additionally, Red Pump will coordinate five simultaneous events around March 10 to commemorate NWGHAAD in the following cities: Austin, Charlotte, Atlanta, New York, and Washington, D.C. To register for the Rock the Red Pump® campaign, to get HIV/AIDS information or learn more about  upcoming events, visit For media inquiries, contact Jameka Whitten at or call 704-261-5290.


 About The Red Pump Project

The Red Pump Project is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. Their mission is to promote HIV prevention through education, and open dialogue about the issues that surround sexual and reproductive health. They do work online and on the ground to motivate action and encourage dialogue about the effects of the disease.

 Founded in March 2009, Red Pump uses the red shoe as a symbol of empowerment to represent the strength and courage of women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The incorporation of fashion into the message of HIV prevention is their contribution to show that Awareness is Always in Style!